You made it! And mostly intact! Now it’s your time so sit back, relax and let the young ‘uns take over, right? Not! Those of us with years of knowledge, experience, wisdom and now, time, shouldn’t be thinking retirement. We should be digging in and sharing what we’ve learned as we support and equip the young people coming up behind us.
The blended family is quickly becoming less the exception and more the norm. Such families can seem out of place in a church. Yet Jesus came from a blended family. And isn’t that what the Church is at its core: a blended family? With all their unique challenges, the Biblical Community is the place where such families should feel the most supported.
“Children raise parents” are perhaps the truest parenting words ever spoken. As babies turn into adolescents, and adolescents into teenagers, it seems the challenges outpace our ability to learn the skills. Fortunately we have a legacy generation to remind us that we aren’t just raising children – we’re raising adults.
Children change everything. They bring levels of joy heretofore unknown. They also bring feelings of frustration, failure, and self-doubt that seem endless. There is no way anyone is really prepared to add children to their family – but within the Biblical Community, we can be unprepared together.