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December 28 & 29, 2019 - As people head into 2020, they will search for new answers to old questions. They will search for new solutions to old problems. We already have the Truth - the truth is that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and into every new year. What may be new for us is a deeply resolved dedication to better know and understand Jesus and bring Him to others
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December 21 & 22, 2019 - The Christmas story - as found in the Bible - is TRUTH. The Truth came to earth. The Truth became flesh. And came to redeem all who would embrace and follow the Truth. In the deepest reality, there is no argument or question about this. The only question is - will we make room for the Truth?
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December 7 & 8, 2019 - At some point, a person begins to decide what truth they will pursue in life. Because our understanding of truth impacts everything we do. If truth is relative, then our lives will toss about on the waves of circumstance. If truth is the anchor of Jesus Christ, then our lives will hold firm - regardless of storm or wind.
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November 30 & December 1, 2019 - Teams, groups, clubs and crews. Whenever people gather together, the group takes on a whole new identity. Sometimes that identity is more like a mob – other times the right group can bring about great change. When we gather under the power of the Holy Spirit, we can actually declare what is real and what is true and what is good. For the church, as the Body of Christ, is called by God to show Who He really is.
November 23 & 24, 2019 - Who hasn’t wondered, “Am I living the life I was created for?” The question itself shows that we all feel a need
for deep purpose. We all want to be about something bigger than ourselves, to meet needs greater than our own, and to accomplish something more lasting than our own success. What does it take to live lives that matter? It takes a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ.
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November 9 & 10, 2019 - Are people the problem to our world’s problems? Are we the solution? Are some of us just a little bit of both? The great challenge for Christians in 2019 is to love people as Jesus did - even though those same people may be persecuting His very creation. And guess what? Sometimes, it’s us doing the persecuting!
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November 2 & 3, 2019 - The Bible teaches that all authority comes from God. And that includes the government - even a government we didn’t vote for. What is the proper role of the government in the life of a devoted Christ follower? Where should the government's influence and authority begin and where should it end? This week we learn how to navigate the minefield of being citizens of heaven, while still living on Earth.
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October 26 & 27, 2019 - “Christians are called to be stewards of the Earth.” We hear that and it’s true. But have we ever actively looked at what that means? Moreover, have we ever looked at what that means to God? Since it’s His planet, and He set us as stewards of it, what are His expectations and goals? This week we look at just that.
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October 12 & 13, 2019 - So very often there is a tendency for us to think of people as “us and them.” And, “if you stay in your part of the world and I stay in my part of the world,” then we can all live in peace. But as we move as a church to make our commitment to The End Hunger Warehouse, we will do so by looking at who really owns the world we live in. We don’t have a half and someone else has a half. God’s call isn’t just for peace among people – it’s for unity. He made the world, He makes the rules.
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October 5 & 6, 2019 - What’s your cause? What’s your passion? How are you changing the world? In today’s “cause-driven” society,
everyone has to have one. But how can we really make a difference in the world? A difference that really counts? This week we confront why we yearn to matter and what true higher cause can fulfill the void in our lives.
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September 28 & 29, 2019 - There’s the “me” the world knows. The “me” I know. The “me” God knows. And then there’s the “me” I wanna be! If we’re honest we don’t know who “me” is anymore. Is it any wonder we live in pursuit of the perfect selfie? This weekend we will learn how to find true identity in Christ. Because that’s where we’ll find the “me” God wants us to be.
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September 21 & 22, 2019 - “So what kind of work do you do?” It’s one of the first questions we’re asked by new people we meet. Why?
Because we define ourselves, our worth and our place in life by our “careers.” And yet, often our jobs leave us feeling empty, used and insignificant . We’re designed by God to work, but work that has meaning and purpose. This week we learn how that can happen right where we are – usually without changing jobs!
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September 7 & 8, 2019 - Children are a gift from God – an old saying that’s also true. But nowadays, caring for those gifts is becoming more and more challenging. Simply reading the Bible and going to church isn’t enough in today’s a-moralistic world. This weekend we meet Andie Fair - she has a Christ-given passion for how we, as a community, can together raise our children to fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. If you love children, then this is a do-not-miss weekend.
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August 31 & September 1, 2019 - A life of full devotion is never without trying times and challenging seasons. It should come as no surprise, which is why Jude concludes his letter with a call to persevere and remain in God’s love. How? By inviting others into His love. It’s the way God designed His Church to operate.
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August 24 & 25, 2019 - Jude’s letter could not be more clear – a heart that beats for Christ is inextricably linked to a heart that beats with passion for those who are far from Christ. Which is why Jude opens his epistle with a challenge – a challenge to fully-devoted followers to contend the faith, guard truth, and reach the lost and help them grow. A challenge that is still our mission today.
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August 17 & 18, 2019 - Who among us hasn’t seen something someone else has and said to ourselves, “Boy, I wish I had that!” What’s the big harm in that? How about: it steals our joy, causes us to question God’s provision and can actually cause us to value others based on what we can get from them. As we conclude The Ten – our focus goes right back to the beginning – Christ.
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August 10 & 11, 2019 - Lying. What’s the big deal? Everybody does it. How many times have we thought, “A little white lie never hurt anybody?” Are there some lies that are acceptable? To God, lying is a big enough offense to make it to the top 10. This weekend we are going to learn what motivates us to lie and why it is such a big deal to God.
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May August 3 & 4, 2019 - Don’t take what’s not yours. Simple, right? Sure – but where does that begin and where does it end? Paper clips, office pens, an apple out of the produce stand at Safeway, cheating on your taxes? There’s a whole lot more to this simple command than meets the eye. Find out why.
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July 13 & 14, 2019 - Murder – the unwarranted taking of another life. This one seems like a “no-brainer.” Well, until Jesus gets involved. He expands the concept of murder and ultimately affirms the value that “all people matter to God.” Come ready to be challenged on this one!
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July 13 & 14, 2019 - Family relationships are tough. So not surprisingly, as God turns His attention from how we relate to Him towards how we relate with people, He begins with the parent/child relationship, perhaps the toughest of all. And yet, this also the first commandment that comes with a promise. This week we dive deep into not only why, but how we should honor our parents.
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July 6 & 7, 2019 - The pace of life seems to get faster, more agitated and less peaceful. This is not God’s design for us. Instead God instructs us to set aside one day a week, a Sabbath. Why? To rest our minds, refocus our hearts, and most importantly, replenish our souls with Him and His community.
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June 22 & 23, 2019 - God designed us to worship. And, whether we know it or not, we all worship something. And of course, whatever we worship, well, that’s our God. This weekend we’re going to ask ourselves, “Who is my God, really?” because ultimately, our eternity depends on the true answer to that question.
June 9, 2019 - When Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have Me," was He being insensitive towards the poor? If God is for us, then why do children go hungry and people not have homes? This weekend we will have a very special one-on-one interview with Pastor Jim Strietelmeier - a man who devoted himself to the ministry of poverty.
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May June 1 & 2, 2019 - We celebrate birthdays, promotions, anniversaries and all manner of good things. God’s people are a celebrating people! This weekend we pause to celebrate Matthew and Holly Deans. They grew up in Chesapeake, served as our Youth Pastors for seven years, and now we launch them into their next God-adventure as Matthew pursues his calling as an Army Chaplain. And yes, we’re celebrating at all three services!
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May 25 & 26, 2019 - Obedience. Many people cringe at the word. In our culture, obedience often implies weakness, dependence, or lack of power. And so we don't. We disobey. We deliberately disobey God believing that is what brings freedom. This week we are going to take a look at what full obedience to God really looks like and how it ultimately leads to strength, freedom and true joy.