May 23 & 24, 2020 - It’s not unusual for people to get confused and even envious when someone who has lived a reckless life suddenly seems to have everything work out at the last minute. Ironically, for Christians, we’re actually to be confronted by the scandal of grace. Jesus presents us with this very challenge in His parable of the eleventh hour hire.
May 9-10, 2020 - Daily distractions seem impossible to avoid --- they scatter our thinking, trip up our emotions and keep us from living fully in God's presence. But it doesn't have to be that way. Join us as we learn the importance of adopting a healthy mindset that's driven by Biblical truth, not daily distractions.
May 2 & 3, 2020 - It’s popular to ask (especially these days), “When will the end times begin?” Jesus was often asked this question. Yet His response is, once again, a highly thought-provoking challenge. Because the real question is not, “When will it happen?” but rather, “Will we be ready?” (And why some people won’t.)