Meet Kelly Stauffer. A regular, good, church-going, youth group attending girl - until she was 14 and something happened that changed her life forever. It drove her far from God, far from people and set her on a course of self-destruction. In an informal interview, Kelly will reveal in detail what derailed her life and how she got back on track through the genuine healing of Jesus Christ. Her story is probably our story, too.
Jesus heals 10 lepers. Only one comes back to praise Him. And the one that came back would have been considered the one least likely to come back. Jesus asks, “Where are the others? Only this stranger has come back to give praise?” How often do we see the “likely people” healed and yet they act as if they deserved it? It’s the least likely of people who really seem to be “Jesus kind of people.”. Which are you?
In desperation, a severely ill woman touches the hem of Jesus’ cloak hoping to be healed. Jesus’ asks, “Who touched me?” And we read that she, “…told him the whole truth.” And in that moment she is healed. Confession is good for the soul we’re told, but yet how often do we not tell God, “the whole truth?”.
Jesus asks a man, “Would you like to be healed?” That simple question leads to not only a healing, but an act of defiance against the traditional Sabbath culture. Whenever Jesus’ healing comes to us in unconventional ways – obedience is always at the core. This week we will learn how being obedient and going against the flow can heal not one person, but an entire family.
A blind man is begging at the roadside. He hears that Jesus is passing and he yells out, “Have mercy on me!” Told to be quiet, he yells again, “Have mercy on me!” The man shows faith, boldness and perseverance. Jesus heals him. How we ever wondered what might happen if we showed the kind of boldness and perseverance in our faith?