A prayer for the church: strength, faith, and knowledge. Sounds basic enough, but there is much more to these traits for followers of Jesus because they don't mean for us what they mean to the rest of the world. They're all initiated, held together, and fulfilled by God - a reality that goes beyond human understanding and yet the comprehension of which is imperative to the Christian life. We need the Holy Spirit in order to truly know and embody this prayer.
Sunday, June 2nd, 2023 -
God not only has a plan for the whole world but He has revealed it through the Scriptures to us. He desires for us to enjoy a relationship with Him by even being a part of that plan! Our purpose as a church, therefore, is to understand that plan and be transformed by it, that through us God would continue to redeem people from every tribe and tongue.
Sunday, June 25th, 2023 -
In a world so divided it’s easy to wonder if peace is possible on earth. But the Bible shows that real peace comes only from above. Jesus is humanity’s peace with God and, thus, peace with one another. Only He can bring us all in our diversity to true and lasting unity in the church.
Sunday, June 18, 2023 -
It’s commonplace to be told to “be true to yourself.” People seem constantly on a mission to define one’s identity. But the key isn’t looking within. Instead, when we understand the great big story that God is telling in creation, then can we see not only our place in it but who and Whose we are.
Sunday, June 11th, 2023-
Being God’s own possession should mean more man than calling ourselves Christians and going to church on Sunday. The Apostle Paul prays that through the Holy Spirit we would know God better and through that relationship have spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Sunday, June 4th, 2023 -
As the Author of all things, God has always had a perfect plan for this world and has already started to bring it to completion! Only by understanding and celebrating the larger story can we hope to understand everything that’s going on in our own smaller stories, and so observe God at work in and through our lives.
Sunday, May 28th, 2023 -
At some point we must all bridge the gap between what we can see and understand and the longing in our souls that tells us there's more than meets the eye. Scripture is filled with people who trusted a God they could not see and took actions they didn't understand. What would lead people to live like that? How can we find ourselves walking in their footsteps?
Sunday, May 21, 2023 - Human companionship is inherent to who we are. On top of that, God has also clearly designed us all to be sexual creatures. What’s the purpose of sex and romantic relationships? Is it just for fun and pleasure or to ease loneliness? Only by returning to the basics of God’s design and purpose for sex can we not only find clarity for the questions and debates of society today, but, more importantly, we can understand God’s purpose and design for our particular lives.
Sunday, May 14, 2023 -
We all have parents... for better or for worse. The Bible shows us, though, how the very concepts and calling of motherhood and fatherhood find their core in the character of God. By better understanding Who He is can we, then, better understand our calling as children in the biological family and in the family of the church.
Sunday, May 7, 2023 -
We as human beings do not like to experience hurt. But God uses our hurt to reveal the truth of Who He is. In the Body of Christ, some of us have dealt with church hurt and hypocrisy in the church. When that happens, spiritual trauma enters: How do we understand and work through Christian hypocrisy and church hurt?
Sunday, April 30, 2023 -
If God is good and He is all-powerful then why does He allow suffering to happen? Is He maybe not good or loving? Or maybe He’s not able to stop bad things? The so-called “Problem of Evil” isn’t just an academic question but one that resonates deeply with every single one of us. Each of us have asked, or are asking, “Why?”.
Sunday, April 23, 2023 -
From the moment we enter this world we begin dying. No matter what or when that is how each of our stories in this life will end. What happens when we die? Is there an afterlife? And, if so, what will it and our place in it be like? Come with your questions as we enjoy a unique experience with a live Q & A about death, heaven, and hell.
Sunday, April 23, 2023 -
From the moment we enter this world we begin dying. No matter what or when that is how each of our stories in this life will end. What happens when we die? Is there an afterlife? And, if so, what will it and our place in it be like? Come with your questions as we enjoy a unique experience with a live Q & A about death, heaven, and hell.
Sunday, April 16, 2023 -
Just the fact that God is infinite means there’s going to be a lot about Him, His Word, and His world that we don’t understand. But there are some particular questions that both the believer and non-believer commonly ask. The good news is that, while we may never be able to have all our curiosities addressed, God does want us to ask because He has the answers!
Sunday, April 9, 2023 - Why was the Tomb empty? All who hear the story of Jesus must offer an answer, and yet Jesus Himself has already told us. Only by revisiting His Words can we leave our old lives behind and faithfully follow Him.
Friday, April 7, 2023 -
In the climax of his story, Mark shows us the most shocking thing yet about Jesus: How with the Empire’s very own instrument of death and shame, Jesus secures the victory of God over sin and evil demonstrating He is the true King.
Sunday, April 2, 2023 -
It’s easy to look back at someone’s failure and say, “Oh, if I had been there...” We’d all like to think that if we had been by Jesus’ side for three years we would have listened to Him and remained faithful. But as we near the climax of Mark’s Gospel we find that only Jesus alone was able to fulfill the mission of God.
Sunday, March 26, 2023 - The joy of a healthy newborn child far exceeds whatever challenges or pains labor involves. Jesus warns His people that they, too, will experience hardship but our hope in the promise of His glorious Kingdom.
Sunday, March 19, 2023 -
It can be easy for one to get caught up in titles, positions, or things that seemingly give us value, worth, or validation. No matter whether you are a layperson or a leader, it is critical that we are clear about who we are and Whose we are. We will explore the Heart of the Matter as we examine our passage and what drives us to do what we do.
Sunday, March 12, 2023 - Whether in times of hardship or just dreaming about our futures, we can find ourselves unintentionally viewing Jesus as some magical genie there to grant us three wishes. But the road to Jerusalem (and ultimately Calvary) requires us to pause on Who the King and His Kingdom really offers and asks of us.
Sunday, March 5, 2023 -
It’s one thing to say we are a Christian, but following Jesus is a life of faith, constantly dying to oneself and one’s way of thinking. In the glory of Jesus’ transfiguration, we see the cost of discipleship and begin to see what it looks like in the Christian life for the rubber to meet the road.
Sunday, February 26, 2023 - In Chapter 8, Mark gives us insight into why some still don’t understand Who Jesus is. Could the same be said of us?
Sunday, February 19, 2023 - Just as our bodies hunger and thirst for nourishment, so too our souls pant for sustenance and safety. Mark shows us this week how everything in this world will fail us, which is why Jesus brings His Kingdom and meets us saying, “I Am. Don’t be afraid.”
Sunday, February 12, 2022 - It can be human nature to lower our expectations to avoid disappointment, but with Jesus we see in our passage that our expectations for His Kingship aren’t high enough! He intends to do above and beyond all we could ask for or think of.
Sunday, February 12, 2022 - It can be human nature to lower our expectations to avoid disappointment, but with Jesus we see in our passage that our expectations for His Kingship aren’t high enough! He intends to do above and beyond all we could ask for or think of.