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August 24 & 25, 2019 - Jude’s letter could not be more clear – a heart that beats for Christ is inextricably linked to a heart that beats with passion for those who are far from Christ. Which is why Jude opens his epistle with a challenge – a challenge to fully-devoted followers to contend the faith, guard truth, and reach the lost and help them grow. A challenge that is still our mission today.
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August 17 & 18, 2019 - Who among us hasn’t seen something someone else has and said to ourselves, “Boy, I wish I had that!” What’s the big harm in that? How about: it steals our joy, causes us to question God’s provision and can actually cause us to value others based on what we can get from them. As we conclude The Ten – our focus goes right back to the beginning – Christ.
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August 10 & 11, 2019 - Lying. What’s the big deal? Everybody does it. How many times have we thought, “A little white lie never hurt anybody?” Are there some lies that are acceptable? To God, lying is a big enough offense to make it to the top 10. This weekend we are going to learn what motivates us to lie and why it is such a big deal to God.
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May August 3 & 4, 2019 - Don’t take what’s not yours. Simple, right? Sure – but where does that begin and where does it end? Paper clips, office pens, an apple out of the produce stand at Safeway, cheating on your taxes? There’s a whole lot more to this simple command than meets the eye. Find out why.